Our School Day & Term Dates
Term Dates
School Opening Hours
Our School Opening Hours are as follows:
All school years
Gates open at 8:40am
Gates closes at : 8:45am
Registration/ School day begins: 8:45 am
Lunch: 12.00 – 1:00pm
Home time: 3:15pm
Any children who arrive after the registers close/gates are locked will need to be taken to the school office, and they will need to sign in using the electronic sign in system. They will be marked as late.
School Clubs
Wrap Around Care
Our wraparound care provision is provided by St Newlyn East Pre-School
Location: St Newlyn East Pre School, Station Road, St. Newlyn East, Newquay, Cornwall. TR8 5ND
Telephone - 01872 510755 Email - stnewlyneastpreschool@aol.com